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There's something about the combination of opal and moonstone that gets me all excited! Semi adjustable copper ring, size 5. These gemstones GLOW and SPARKLE in the light. Sure to bring joy to the wearer.


Moonstone-  Radiates the white light of healing and the perfection of the rainbow spectrum. Brings the frequency of joy to one's energy field. Offers psychic enhancement and protection. Increases vitality, passion, and the spark for life. Creates full alignment in the chakra system. Heals the emotional body and helps one to overcome obstacles. Carries the "goddess" energy. 

Opal- Amplifies one’s personal traits and characteristics. Furthers clean, true, and spontaneous action. Allows the release of inhibitions. Known as the stone of “happy dreams.” Awakens psychic and mystical energies. Can be used to strengthen memory. Instills faithfulness and loyalty in both personal and business relationships. 

Opal/ Moonstone Ring Size 5

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